pcms documentation
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Installation / Setup of pcms-driven sites

pcms comes with a site template which helps you getting startet. It will create a skeleton site / structure for you so you don’t have to start from scratch. You don’t need to generate a skeleton site if you want to do it manually.

This documentation shows you how to install pcms and generate a new site from scratch, as well as running it / an existing site.

Install pcms

This section was already covered in the Quick Start section. If you already followed there, you don’t have to repeat this steps.

You only need a single pcms binary to run a website. Check out the next chapters for a brief description how you get one.

As pre-built binary

You can download a pcms binary from a pre-built release from github:


Download and extract the pcms binary that fits your OS and architecture.

As go source code

You can build pcms from the go source code:

$ git clone https://github.com/bylexus/pcms.git
  • build it:
$ cd pcms
$ make build # ==> build goes to bin/pcms

Build a Docker image

You can build and run pcms as a Linux container, using Docker or Podman.

Build the Docker image:

$ docker build -t pcms https://github.com/bylexus/pcms.git

or, if you checked out the source code locally:

$ cd path/to/pcms
$ docker build -t pcms ./

Generate a skeleton site

If you don’t want to start from scratch, generate a skeleton site:

# local binary:
$ pcms init path-to-site

# with the docker image:
$ mkdir path-to-site
$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/path-to-site:/site pcms pcms init /site

This will generate a fully-working demo site into the given folder (here: path-to-site). Note that existing files will be overwritten. You end up with a folder structure like this:

├── build/
├── log/
├── pcms-config.yaml
├── site
│   ├── favicon.png
│   ├── index.html
│   └── ... more files ...
└── templates/
    ├── base.html
    └── ... more files ...
  • pcms-config.yaml is the site-wide configuration. It contains pcms-specific settings like server port as well as user-defined content which can be used in your site templates.
  • site/ is the folder where all your page content goes, and which is processed by the build process.
  • build/ is where your generated static content goes by default.
  • templates/ contains the pongo2 templates used for your site.

Site configuration: pcms-config.yaml

The main config file is pcms-config.yaml.

An example pcms-config.yaml:

# server config:
  listen: ":3000"
  prefix: ""
  watch: true
      file: STDOUT
      format: ""
      file: STDERR
      level: DEBUG
# source filder:
source: "site"
# output / build folder:
dest: "build"
# site-specific global variables:
  siteTitle: pcms-go - Documentation
    - name: "keywords"
      content: "reference,pcms,cms, golang"
template_dir: templates
  - "^\\..*"
    sass_bin: "/usr/bin/sass"

Adapt the config as needed by your page.

Starting the site

Now your site is generated / ready, you can start the server. The site’s root folder is the directory where pcms-config.yaml is located. The easiest way to start pcms is from within this directory.

Start pcms with the local binary

Execute pcms serve from within your site’s root folder:

$ cd path-to-site/
$ pcms serve

You can also give the location of the config file, so you don’t have to change to the dir:

$ pcms -c path-to-site/pcms-config.yaml serve

Start pcms in a docker container

If you are using the pcms docker image, you can create and run a container as follows:

$ docker run -d \
    --name mysite \
    -v path/to/site:/site \
    -p 3000:3000 \
    -w /site

This will mount your local site directory to the docker’s /site directory, and also uses this dir as working dir. Export the port you configured, and you’re good to go!
