pcms documentation
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pcms is a static site builder and mini-webserver written in GO to build and deliver web pages from HTML / Markdown templates or static files. The main goal is to create static page content from templates and / or configuration/data files, all file-system-based, no UI configuration.

In essence pcms is built upon the following infrastructure:

  • a page builder that examines your site/ dir and builds as static version to build/
  • a Web server that handles your requests and delivers the static pages
  • a Template engine based on pongo2, a Django-like template engine, with support for YAML frontmatter and configuration variables
  • all delivered in the single pcms binary!

Site structure and routes

A typical pcms site may look as follows:

├── pcms-config.yaml          # The main config file for the site
├── site/                     # The site dir contains the page content, and listens to the "/" route
│   ├── index.html            # additional page content / templates
│   ├── styles.scss           # an scss file which may be transpiled to css using dart-css
│   ├── variables.yaml        # A YAML file containing variables. Inherited to all (sub-)pages
│   ├── favicon.png
│   ├── html-page             # another page, here route /html-page
│   │   ├── index.html        # a html content file
│   │   └── sunset.webp       # some static content
│   └── markdown-page         # another page, here a Markdown page for the route /markdown-page
│       ├── index.md          # a Markdown content file
│       ├── variables.yaml    # A local YAML file containing variables. Overrides upper variables
│       ├── favicon.png
│       └── sunset.webp
└── templates               # pongo2 templates for your html / markdown content
    ├── base.html
    ├── error.html
    └── markdown.html
  • The site contents are stored as directory tree in the site/ folder.
  • Every file within site/ (including site/ itself) is directly rendered to the same folder structure in the build/ folder: The files are renamed if processed:
    • .md files become .html files
    • .html files stay .html files
    • .scss files become .css files
    • all other files are copied 1:1 to the destination folder.

The build/ folder is the webroot folder, and the files correspond relatively to the build folder to the same URL route.

Site building

With the pcms build or pcms serve command, the site is built from the site/ folder. Each file is examined, processed and written to the output (build/) folder.

The system supports different processors, determined by the source file’s file ending:

  • *.html files are processed by the html_processor:
    • A YAML Frontmatter is extracted from the file, if present. The Frontmatter is available as variables map in the pongo2 template
    • The HTML file is processed as pongo2 template, having access to the variables defined in the frontmatter or in variables files.
    • Finally, the processd file is written to the output folder to the same relative path.
  • *.md files are processed by the md_processor:
    • A YAML Frontmatter is extracted from the file, if present. The Frontmatter is available as variables map in the pongo2 template
    • The Markdown file is processed as pongo2 template, having access to the variables defined in the frontmatter or in variables files.
    • The Markdown file is converted to HTML.
    • Optionally, the converted HTML can be embedded into a template, defined in the template YAML frontmatter variable.
    • Finally, the processd file is written to the output folder to the same relative path, but with a .html ending.
  • *.scss files are processed by the dart-sass compiler, which must be present as an external binary, and written as .css file to the output folder.
  • variables.yaml files are read and merged into the variables map, which is available in the templates. Deeper variables.yaml file entries override values in higher files, and are merged within the hierarchy. variables.yaml files are not written to the output folder.
  • All other files are treatened as raw files and copied 1:1 to the output folder.


HTML processor

The HTML processor takes .html files as input, and processes them:

An HTML file is processed as pongo2 template, and may be configured using a YAML Frontmatter.


# YAML front matter
title: 'Hello'
{% extends "base-template.html" %}
<p>This file is processed using the 'base-template.html' template file</p>
  1. All variables from variables.yaml files in the hierarchy from this file’s folder up to the root folder are merged into the variables map.
  2. The YAML Frontmatter is extracted from the HTML file, and merged with the variables map
  3. The complete HTML then is processed using the pongo2 engine, and written as final HTML to the output folder.

Markdown processor

The Markdown processor is working very similar to the HTML processor, but takes .md files as input, and processes them to HTML:

A Markdown file is processed as pongo2 template with a YAML Frontmatter, converted to HTML using a template, and again processed as a pongo2 HTML template.


# YAML front matter
template: 'base-template.html'
title: 'Hello'
# {{title}}

This **Markdown** file is processed using the 'base-template.html' template file
  1. All variables from variables.yaml files in the hierarchy from this file’s folder up to the root folder are merged into the variables map.
  2. The YAML Frontmatter is extracted from the Markdown file, and merged with the variables map
  3. The template variable defines the used pongo2 template file: The (processed) contents of this file is available as content variable. For example, the base-template file may look as follows:
<!-- templates/base-template.html file -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
      <div id="page_content">
      <!-- The processed markdown content is placed here: -->
      {{ content | safe }}
  1. The complete HTML then is processed using the pongo2 engine, and written as final HTML to the output folder.

SCSS Processor

pcms can convert *.scss (scss) files to css.

Unfortunately I could not find a suitable go-based SASS/SCSS processor until today. So pcms uses an external SASS/SCSS processor: dart-scss. You have to download / install the dart-sass binary by yourself, then point to the binary in the pcms-config.yaml file:

# pcms-config.yaml:
    sass_bin: "/path/to/bin/sass"

All *.scss files are processed and converted to *.css files to the same relative output folder.

Raw File Processor

This is the simplest processor: It just copies the input file 1:1 to the output file, keeping the same relative path with no further processing. All files that are not processed by another processor are processed by the raw processor.
